About Us
We at AlwayzLadylike Inc. are under contract that we pledge to maintain LadyLike Qualities & act as brand ambassadors because how we are viewed tells our story we are committed to being role models & trend setters of our community as well as act out our Civic Duties , We volunteer our hearts & time that earns us points for our community service which are required to graduate from High School . We act out the Alwayzladylike Mission by building our brand with positive actions that we also earn points to attend events and special AlwayzLadyLike outings ,These incentives keep us encouraged to uphold the AlwayzLadyLike brand which also encourages us to make positive decisions on a regular basis
Level 1- Lady Caterpillar
Level 2- Junior Butterfly
Level 3- Lady Butterfly
The points earned move us up in rank on the entry level positions which include Community Service, Maintaining Grades, Ladylike Behavior , Good Recommendations , Meetings & Events. By attending events we exercise our networking skills & learn to build our brand.