Legal Stuff

Incorporated by Eboney Johnson P.O Box 278493 Miramar fl, 33027

Alwayz Lady Like was incorporated Nov.14th 2010 in the State of Florida and is currently active Eboney Johnson represents Alwayz Lady Like Inc. as the registered agent State ref: id.# filed as domestic Non-profit Alwayz Lady Like Inc. 501(c)3 Non-profit youth empowerment and mentoring organization.

What happen to the Ponytail…..


  Somebody please tell me what happen to little girls wearing ponytails or even   plaits, puffs, candy curls on Easter or even little girls with natural hair and when the braids & beads do show up the poor little girls have 100 beads on each braid poor babies in my “ ( Madea voice ) you young mothers " 

Now getting to the point ! (All mothers), are we allowing our girls to go to far with this hair when they all should be wearing a ponytail , am I the only one who is seeing these little girls with not only extremely long braids but long full heads of weave and wigs and not to mention the colors already allowing them to wear long extreme hairdo’s  that make them seem and act way to grown and who exactly is paying for this hair if it is in fact a parent with all do respect why are we approving such behavior do you think she is going to one day be retained as someones attorney standing in the courtroom with her 28 inch honey suckle blond lace front wig on , well if we are allowing at age twelve too wear 16 inch pink braids then i"m guessing that by age 21 you would be in a 28 inc Honeysuckle blond lace front wig ?

The only reason these girls should be wearing long colorful weaves is if they are at a video shoot or getting ready to go on stage to whip it back and forth, and in the event that your daughter does not wear one of these inappropriate for their age weaves she is seeing other girls and is curious how it would look on her , why because she is a young girl and is still learning from what she see’s , now don’t get me wrong i am not at all opposed to a modest pick-tail hairdo or simple braids even with reasonable extensions but come on do you see what i see these girls are way past suttle i think that they need to know that this look is an Entertainment Look! not to be confused with an everyday look do we even discuss this or do we scream "No! you cant get your hair like that because i said so”

Even though this is a Fad parents what we introduce to our kids is what they know and we as adults set these trends whether we want to take the blame for this nonsense or not,  meaning some so call adult one day said I’m going to wear a 36inch Pink lace front wig and others followed, ladies! if we don’t introduce anything than our girls will pick up what they think is the thing to wear  in this day and age we have to guide and mentor even on HAIR and we need to boldly say that this long colorful hair makes them look like  little clown girls and that they need to understand that what we see in videos is for entertainment purposes only , Parents our we our self’s wearing unusual hairdo’s, or are we in the category of the financial burden of having girls, what I’m trying to say is like myself I’m already trying to keep my hair done and now i have two more heads of hair that i must maintain it’s either costly or time consuming i know because after i have worked all week the last thing i want to do is hair.

Well Mom’s too bad we have to go new school old school with this one now i know that realistically these kids don’t want to even wear a pony-tail we need to take our daughters with us Saturday morning to the hair salon to get a wash & set or if you don’t wear your hair that way just send her this teaches her to take care of her own hair and when she is older she will not depart from it, let these girls know that you can’t go wrong with your own hair and when they are of age and can afford expensive extensions they can get them.

Stop letting the little girl down the street and the older siblings experiment with your daughters hair or set some rules to somehow teach them what is acceptable as an appropriate hair do if we don’t stop this now we all will be wondering      what happen to the ponytail?  

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